Annual General Meeting of the company September 25, 2019

Dynex Energy S.A.

Société Anonyme (public company limited by shares)

Registered office : L-8308 Capellen, 75, Parc d'Activités R.C.S. Luxembourg B 164435
(the “Company”)

The shareholders are invited to attend the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company that will be held on Wednesday 25 September 2019 at 11 a.m. at the registered office of the Company with the following agenda:

  • –  approval of the date of the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company

    notwithstanding the statutory date;

  • –  presentation and approval of the report established by the board of directors of

    the Company concerning among other things the Company’s annual accounts as at

    31st December 2018;

  • –  presentation and approval of the report established by the statutory auditor of the

    Company concerning the Company’s annual accounts as at 31st December 2018;

  • –  presentation and approval of the Company’s annual accounts as at

    31st December 2018;

  • –  allocation of the result;

  • –  decision to be taken, in accordance with article 480-2 of the law of August 10, 1915

    concerning commercial companies, as amended, on the continuation of the activities

    of the Company;

  • –  full discharge of liability (quitus) to be granted to the members of the board of

    directors of the Company and to the statutory auditor of the Company for the

    execution of their mandates for the financial year ended on 31st December 2018;

  • –  powers to be granted;

  • –  miscellaneous.

The board of directors

At the time of the convening notice the total number of shares amounts to 14.321.333 shares of which 12.345.455 shares are being held by Encore Holdings Ltd., 637.050 shares are being held by Futura Funds SICAV plc and a further 945.000 shares are being held by Optimum Evolution Fund SIF.

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